
Autonomous-Oz “Artificial Intelligence for Robotics” was created and is managed by a group of volunteers based mostly in Sydney, Australia.

It started in 2018 with entrepreneur Yi Zhang (yiz) wanting to share robotics projects she was experimenting with to get feedback and knowledge from like-minded individuals. The team also comprises Shaun Price, Jayen Ashar (a senior member of the University of New South Wales Robocup team), and Cedric Muller.

Over the years, we have held a variety of both in person and online workshops. We have had individual sharing their projects and looking for additional contacts/helpers, academics, professionals (from start-ups to large corporations such as Amazon and Softbank Robotics), and just hobbyists.

Attendees vary from curious people with no prior experience (including people keen to look for new job opportunities) to experts in the fields and people looking for help for the projects.

We are lucky to have adapted well to the challenges presented by Covid, and we hope to see our networking community keep growing for the foreseeable future. Australia’s future with AI and robotics is exciting!

If you would are looking for special help on your project, information, or would like to contribute, just talk to one of us at the next meetup!